Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Those Who Know Me, Know I am a bit of an Overachiever...even with my Bone Marrow.

So why should things be any different now? Yesterday, I got my pathology report back for my bone marrow biopsy. We were waiting for the results for 2 weeks. This would determine if the cancer had spread into my bone marrow.  When I say, I got the report, I mean, my patient portal notified me that a new report was available. So at 5am, I got online and read the report. The statements that stood out to me were:
"Overall changes are compatible with extensive marrow involvement by follicular lymphoma" and "Final Diagnosis of Bone Marrow biopsy -  involved by follicular lymphoma (approximately 90% involvement of a hypercellular marrow with mild granulocytic hyperplasia)." 
Now, I know, I did not study pathology or go to med school but I can read and am an excellent googler.  So I took those statements and did my own bit of online research. What I learned was that this put me into Stage 4 for certain, but that most likely, the current treatment I was having would not change for now. Luckily, I only had to wait about 36 hours to see my oncologist. So, he basically said the same thing. With the addition of a possible bone marrow transplant at some point. Some prefer to do that during chemo while others prefer to wait. So now, I am going to see a new doctor for a second opinion, per my doctor's request. He wants me to go to UCLA to see someone (he knows a guy) who is a hematologist that also does clinical trials and specializes in bone marrow transplants.  I like the way he thinks.

Other than that, my weekly blood draws look good, I am slightly anemic,  WBC is a little low but expected to be during chemo. I was reminded to eat every 2 hours -  since I lost a few pounds this week. They would not have known since I wore extra clothes and UGG boots (on purpose) and weighed in the same, BUT my sweet sister (still my superpower) tattled on me - haha. 

I have 2 weeks until my next chemo cycle -  just have to keep taking care of myself, stay away from germs, and eat a high fiber, high protein diet every 2 hours. 👊💪👌👍

##myssisterismysuperpower  #f#@kcancer 💚💚💚


  1. You are absolutely an excellent googler. I like got this doctor is sending you to UCLA and I'm super glad your sister is a tattletale. XOXO Julie Perron

    1. haha! You know I do not do anything half - ass! Love and miss you

  2. In my defense, I did not mean to be a snitch, but it was for her own good. They really emphasize the need to keep the weight on. I will admit that she did an excellent job layering clothes and wearing a heavy sweater and UGG boots to jump on the scale. #2smart4herowngood #luckyiwastheretosnitch

    1. Haha. Love the hashtags and you sister. I forgive you. 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thanks Karen!! And yes, maybe I will learn to be less of an overachiever through all of this. 😂

  4. Way to go Dana. Someone needs to keep her honest!

  5. Just another bump in the road that you will handle with strength and grace! Yay Dana, keep it up! Jenith, go eat something right now! :-)

  6. I get the sense you are all taking Dana’s side here. 😂 😂 I failed the every 2 hour eating thing today. But come on, you try eating every 2 hours with no appetite. Just saying!
