Monday, May 27, 2019

What is Next for my Live Life Detour?

Ready to live life again...
Checking in after Round 6! Yes, my last round of chemotherapy. Even writing those words still seems so surreal. Did the last 5 months really happen? Did I really go through that? Some days, I feel like I tucked my head in, closed my eyes and hoped tomorrow would come. Tomorrow did come, and I made it through this part of my #livelifedetour. As you know, the last couple of months were not easy, the side effects were many and like a moving target through my body. I struggled with my blood counts and the bone pain that came with the growth hormone shots to increase those counts. I also hate prednisone. I hate how it made me feel, how it changed my body (I call it the prednisone plump), and how it robbed me of sleep and peace. The good news is that I am done with the poison and the prednisone. So what next? While this is definitely a milestone worthy of celebrating, I am not quite done with this fight. Looking Ahead.

Causes for Celebration:

  1. Chemotherapy is over! 
  2. My Birthday is in 9 days! - June 5th in case you are wondering!
  3. June 6th the port-a-catheter is being removed from my chest - Happy Birthday to me!
  4. Every day, I will feel a little better
  5. My hair is slowly growing back - and I might just make it platinum blonde - #whynot 
  6. Only 2 more Mondays of giving blood every week
  7. As soon as my immune system is stronger, I can get back to the gym 
  8. The sun is shining! 

Bumps Ahead in the Road:

  1. Every 8 weeks, I have to get a 4-hour maintenance infusion for 2 years - the Rituxan (yes that antibody with the part human/part mouse combo 😠) 
  2. I have to wait until the end of July for my PETscan. This will show that I am in 100% remission, which is the only option I am allowing! 
  3. The fatigue that I fight daily will not just go away.

I have to again thank everyone out there! On my last day of chemotherapy, I posted on social media and the outpouring of love and support was - well it was - WOW! Amazing, overwhelming, and uplifting.  It is crazy how that works. Just a few words here and there - and you can feel the love. It really helps me get through the rough patches. So thank you. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to just say something. Love you all! 💚💚💚

I also have to thank those of you that continue to show up or send cards, flowers, candles, angels, steaks (yes to help with my blood counts -iron), and trees (a money tree for good fortune). Human kindness is alive and I am so fortunate to have so many people out there that care about me.

1 comment:

  1. Jenith- a very happy belated birthday to you. The sun is indeed shining and I hope you feel it’s light and love. Be well my friend. You are an inspiration as always. Kristi
